ThePantheon in Pariswas the first monumentof the Frenchcapital. Its constructionis previous to themonuments liketheEiffelTower andwas the first place where you could see Paris from the heights.It is locatedin the Latin Quarter, nearthe Luxembourg Gardens.
The Pantheon of Paris
Inside of the Pantheon of Paris
Sculpture in the Pantheon of Paris
The Pantheoncoulddivided it into twoparts: theinterior of the building,whereimpressive to seethe size ofit and itsdecoration, andon the other part the crypt,wherecurrentlyyou can findthe bodies offamous peoplesuchasVoltaire, Rousseau,VictorHugo,MarieCurie,LouisBraille,JeanMonnetor AlexanderDumas.
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