sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

The dummy


 The resultant tapestry of this carton was destined for the decoration, " of matters of rural and jocular things ", of the office of Carlos IV in the palatial zone of The St Lawrence of El Escorial, manager in 1790 and last project of this kind realized by Goya. Two sketches are known for this set, of The young girls of pitcher and of The dummy.

File:El pelele.jpg 

 Four young women dressed in beauties toss in a blanket a dummy in an environment of leafy landscape, crossed by a river, with the presence of a building of stone to the bottom. The game practised during some popular holidays and rite of farewell of the bachelorhood, symbolizes here the power of the woman on the man, general matter of this set and repeated in the work of Goya, with examples in the series of engravings of the Caprices and of the Silly things, as well as in his álbumes of drawings.


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