viernes, 6 de junio de 2014
miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014
La mujer en época franquista
La época franquista supuso para la mujer un retroceso, iba a volver a parecerse, a la mujer de la vieja España. Durante la dictadura franquista, la mujer dejó de tener los derechos que la Constitución de 1931 le había otorgado, como la igualdad con respecto al hombre y el derecho
a voto. Con el Régimen, la mujer pasó a asumir el papel de madre y
esposa. Muchas de ellas murieron por ser republicanas, unas por ejercer
la militancia o la práctica política y otras por ser parientes de
hombres de izquierdas. Y muchas fueron condenadas al ser delatadas por
conocidos o incluso parientes temerosos de las represalias por
conocerlas. Las mujeres republicanas fueron llamadas las nuevas Eva, que
parirían hijos enemigos de España, y por ello les rapaban la cabeza y
les daban aceite de ricino, para pasearlas después por las calles con el
fin de humillarlas.
La familia era una jerarquía
en la que la mujer estaba supeditada al varón y los hijos a los padres.
La mujer era la que se llevaba la peor parte, pues su labor era la de
satisfacer a su marido, debía estar guapa para él, complacerle en todo.
La revista de la Sección Femenina, liderada por Pilar Primo de Rivera,
enseñaba a las mujeres a comportarse, siempre supeditadas al hombre, sin
derechos, sin opiniones, solo sumisión. Por supuesto que el adulterio
estaba castigado por el Código Penal..
The pro-Franco epoch supposed for the woman a setback, it was going to return to look alike, to the woman of the old Spain. During the pro-Franco dictatorship, the woman stopped having the rights that the Constitution of 1931 had granted him, as the equality with regard to the man and the right to vote. With the Regime, the woman happened to assume the paper of mother and wife. Many of them died for being republican, some for exercising the militancy or the political practice and others for being relatives of men of left sides. And many people were condemned on having been betrayed by acquaintances or enclosedly fearful relatives of the reprisals for knowing them. The republican women were called new Eve, to that enemy children of Spain would give birth, and for it they they were cutting the head and were giving them oil of castor, to walk them
The family was a hierarchy in which the woman was subordinated to the male and the children to the parents. The woman was the one that was taking the worst part to herself, since his labor was it of satisfying his husband, had to be handsome for him, him to take pleasure in everything. The magazine of the Feminine Section, led by Pilar Primo de Rivera, was teaching the women to behave, always subordinated to the man, without rights, without opinions, alone submission. Certainly that the adultery was punished by the Penal Code..
domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014
El conflicto israelí-palestino
El conflicto israelí-palestino es el conflicto en curso entre israelíes y palestinos que se remonta a principios del siglo XX. El conflicto es de gran alcance, y el término se utiliza también en referencia a las primeras fases del mismo, que enfrentó a las poblaciones judías y árabes que vivían en Palestina bajo el Imperio otomano y posteriormente el Mandato británico de Palestina. Forma además parte del conflicto árabe-israelí. Las claves de las cuestiones pendientes de este conflicto son: el reconocimiento mutuo, el establecimiento de fronteras seguras, los derechos de agua, el terrorismo palestino, el control de Jerusalén, los asentamientos israelíes, la libertad de movimiento palestino y la legalidad en materia de refugiados. La violencia resultante del conflicto ha llevado a diversas posturas internacionales del conflicto, así como la seguridad y otros problemas de derechos humanos, dentro y entre ellos mismos
Hay importantes actores internacionales involucrados en el conflicto. Las dos partes que participan en la negociación directa son el gobierno de Israel, actualmente liderado por Benjamin Netanyahu, y la OLP (Organización para la liberación de Palestina) (OLP), actualmente presidida por Mahmud Abbas. Las negociaciones oficiales están mediados por un contingente internacional conocido como el Cuarteto sobre Oriente Medio, representada por un enviado especial de los Estados Unidos, Rusia, La Unión Europea, y el de las Naciones Unidas. La Liga Árabe es otro actor importante, que ha propuesto un plan de paz alternativo. Egipto, miembro fundador de la Liga Árabe, ha sido históricamente un participante clave.
Desde 2003, la parte palestina ha sido fracturada por el conflicto entre las dos facciones principales: Al Fatah, el partido tradicionalmente dominante, y su posterior rival electoral, Hamás. A raíz de la toma del poder de Hamás en la Franja de Gaza en junio de 2007, el territorio controlado por la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP) se divide entre Al Fatah, en Cisjordania y Hamás en las Franja de Gaza. La división del gobierno entre las partes ha resultado eficaz en el colapso del gobierno bipartito de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP).
The conflict Israeli - Palestinian is the conflict in process between Israelis and Palestinians that it goes back at the beginning of the 20th century. The conflict is of great scope, and the term is in use also in reference to the first phases of the same one, which faced the Jewish and Arabic populations who were living in Palestine under the Ottoman Empire and later the British Mandate of Palestine. Form in addition departs from the conflict Arab-Israeli. The keys of the questions dependent on this conflict are: the mutual recognition, the establishment of sure borders, the rights of water, the Palestinian terrorism, the control of Jerusalem, the Israeli accessions, the freedom of Palestinian movement and the legality as for refugees. The resultant violence of the conflict has gone to diverse
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
Guernica is Paul Picasso's famous picture, painted in May and June, 1937, which title alludes to the bombardment of Guernica on April 26, 1937, in the course of the Spanish Civil war, on the part of the Legion Condor German and the Legionary Italian Aviation, which they were attacking in favor of the revolted ones against the government of the Second Spanish Republic.
The Guernica is an oil on linen, with a few dimensions of 3,50 x 7,80 m. In spite of his title, and of the circumstances in which it was realized, there is in him no concrete reference to the bombardment of Guernica not to the Spanish Civil war. It is not, therefore, a narrative, but symbolic picture. It is painted using only the white and black, and a varied range of gray.
His interpretation is an object of polemic, but his artistic value is out of discussion. Not only it is considered to be one of the most important works of the art of the XXth century, but there has turned in authentic " icon of the XXth century ", symbol of the terrible sufferings that the war inflicts on the human beings
Femme (sculpture)
The figure, which follows the guideline of the symbolic universe of the artist in spite of forming a part of last epoch, possesses a conical form where it appreciates in the top part two small appendices curled instead of arms. Also the prominent buttocks, a concavity stand out with form of seed in his abdomen, an out-standing court at a height of the breastbone and a lunar scar in the right side of the face.
The work was realized by the versatile artist Joan Miro in the Smelting Parellada in 1981 and offered to the Town hall of his city in 1983, little before his death. For that one at the time, the mayor Narcís Serra already had started transforming the Foyer of the House of the City of Barcelona into a museum of art opened the public who throughout the years would be extended by numerous works of out-standing artists.
Pop art de Audrey Hepburn
Pop art de Audrey Hepburn
The art pop is interpreted commonly as a reaction to the ideal dominant ones at the time of the abstract Expressionism. Of any form, the art pop also is the continuation of certain aspects of the abstract expressionism, such as the belief in the possibilities of doing art, especially in works of big proportions. In the same way, the art pop was both an extension and a repudiation of the Dada. Whereas the art pop and the dadaísmo were exploring the same subjects, the art pop was replacing the destructive, satirical and anarchic impulses of the movement Given. Between the artists considered as predecessors of the movement pop Max Ernst and Jean Arp are Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters, Man Ray.
Audrey Kathleen Ruston, an actress and humanitarian Britisher. Recognized as icon of the mode and the cinema, Hepburn was active during the golden epoch of Hollywood. Is considered by the American Film Institute as the third major feminine legend of the American cinema, of there that should appear in pop art's picture, because it was a great icon of the cinema.
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